TalentFest365 - October 22nd

YES, I want to take my career to the next level and be seen by Florida's top agencies and casting directors. We already have seven of the top Florida agents confirmed with a few more pending invites.

I understand as a bonus that it includes 4+ hours of pre-training with NYC casting director Barry Shapiro or legendary casting director Ellen Jacoby. 

Spots are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Spots are limited to 32 total talent -  We do offer a payment plan option as well. 

Cost: $549

*Private coaching is available for an additional fee. 


Which training group works best for your schedule? Please understand that we cannot guarantee which group training schedule.


* Country
* State/Province

Sub Total

  • * Credit Card Type
    * Exp Month
    * Exp Year

By signing this agreement, I understand and accept that my spot is guaranteed for the March 12th event and there is a NO-CANCELLATION CLAUSE or REFUNDS. 

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